By Dorcas Karuana,
Getting fired, unfortunately, can happen to even the best of us. It can happen even when it’s not your fault. Your idea of what the job was going to be like might differ from what management was thinking. You could have simply messed up. It happens. You’re not alone.

Regardless of the circumstances, what to do if you’ve been fired? Where do you go from here?

Getting fired: First of all, don’t beat yourself up. As I said, getting retrenched can happen to the best of us. Don’t dwell on it. Instead, focus on what you are going to do next and how you are going to find another job. Keeping in mind that another hurdle – the stigma of being fired – has just been added to your job search. That said, there are ways you can address this issue and put it in at least a neutral, if not a positive light.

1.CVs and cover letters: All your job search correspondence must be positive. There is no need to mention that you were fired in your CV or in your cover letters. In your cover letters, focus on the basics. Make sure your cover letters address the position you are applying for and why, and how, you are qualified for it. That’s all you need to do. There is no point in bringing up the circumstances of your leaving until you have to.

2. Applications: When filling out job applications, don’t be negative, but, do be honest and don’t lie, because it will come back to haunt you. You can use language like “job ended” or “terminated” if you need to state why you are no longer working at the job. If you are specifically asked if you were fired, you need to answer yes. Lying on a job application is grounds for dismissal at any time in the future and could cost you your reputation.

3. Interviewing: Here’s where getting fired is going to matter most. You can be sure you are going to be asked the question “Why did you leave your last job?” We recommend volunteering that you were fired even before the question is asked, then moving on. Keep it brief, keep it honest, and keep it moving! She suggests explaining why (downsizing, merger) if it wasn’t your fault. If it was, then we suggest telling the interviewer you learned a lesson and explain how you benefited from the experience. Take the negative and turn it into a positive. In addition, you may read the article, “Why Did You Leave Your Last Job?” so that you know what to say.

4. Practices: Take some time to prepare answers to questions about being fired so you know exactly how you are going to answer. Practice again, so you can respond confidently and without hesitation. The more you say it, the less painful it will be.

5. Again, don’t lie: Most companies check references and check background information, so if you lie you are probably going to get caught.

6. Do not contradict yourself: Tell the truth and have one story and stick to it regardless of how many people are interviewing you. They will compare notes afterwards and you don’t want to have told one person one thing and someone else another story.

7. Do not insult your former boss or your former employer: No employer likes to wonder if you will be talking about them that way in the future. Also, don’t be angry. Feeling angry after being fired is normal. However, you need to leave that anger at home and not bring it to the interview with you.

8. Moving on: As hard as it may be, and it is hard, you need to get over getting fired and move on. You need to be able to convince employers that, regardless of what happened in the past, you are a strong candidate for the position and can do the job. Focusing on the skills and experience you have, rather than the firing, will help sell you to the employer and will help you get the job.

Dorcas is the Head of Recruitment at Corporate Manpower East Africa.
Email: dorcas(at)

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